West Florida Genealogical Society
Date: June 2, 2012
Time: 10:00 AM
Place: Asbury Place, 5725 N. 9th Ave., corner College Blvd.
Speaker: Lee Scott.
Topic: LDS Family Search.org update. The LDS Family Search.org website has a new look and ever-expanding
content. It takes a little practice to relearn to use it. Lee is an
LDS member and has volunteered off and on at the Family History Center
since 1975. There have been many changes in research techniques and
technology in the last 35 years. Lee is constantly surfing to keep
abreast of the latest. She is a past president of WFGS and past editor
of Footprints and the current newsletter editor. 2011 Footprints will be available at the meeting.
Escambia Co. FL new Marriage Records Index book 1910-1918 will be available. Mark your Calendar: Nov. 3 - Megan Smolenyak Seminar. Outstanding
genealogist and
speaker. Google her name for more info on her.
Topics Nov. 3:
http://www.honoringourancestors.com/schedule.html Contact: Cynthia Dean cgdean@bellsouth.net 850-432-7072
Allen Lawrence
List Admin
To unsubscribe from the list, please send an email to FLOKALOO-request@rootsweb.com with the word 'unsubscribe' without the quotes in the subject and the body of the message
Time: 10:00 AM
Place: Asbury Place, 5725 N. 9th Ave., corner College Blvd.
Speaker: Lee Scott.
Topic: LDS Family Search.org update. The LDS Family Search.org website has a new look and ever-expanding
content. It takes a little practice to relearn to use it. Lee is an
LDS member and has volunteered off and on at the Family History Center
since 1975. There have been many changes in research techniques and
technology in the last 35 years. Lee is constantly surfing to keep
abreast of the latest. She is a past president of WFGS and past editor
of Footprints and the current newsletter editor. 2011 Footprints will be available at the meeting.
Escambia Co. FL new Marriage Records Index book 1910-1918 will be available. Mark your Calendar: Nov. 3 - Megan Smolenyak Seminar. Outstanding
genealogist and
speaker. Google her name for more info on her.
Topics Nov. 3:
http://www.honoringourancestors.com/schedule.html Contact: Cynthia Dean cgdean@bellsouth.net 850-432-7072
Allen Lawrence
List Admin
To unsubscribe from the list, please send an email to FLOKALOO-request@rootsweb.com with the word 'unsubscribe' without the quotes in the subject and the body of the message