Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Head in the clouds, Being clear-eyed and unafraid and other Personal Problems

Covid and more:

You ever think that you might be the one who has his/her head in the clouds?  There is something to be said for fighting our way through whatever jungle obscures our view.  

And in the case of what we are all going through, being able to get out and ride around in our cars, taking care of only the most needed errands (like my bloodwork for the cancer center, today), you forget how empowering it is to be able to get away from home.  Our freedom to move freely has been restricted and consequently, we have almost forgotten it is by experiencing and seeing the boundaries of our little lives that we can appreciate the place of home (and in the olden days, hearth).  It's like the air we breathe and move about is what makes us appreciate having a home or dwelling!

My goal is to carefully look forward to even a restricted travel situation, as I find it gives me a stabilizer of sorts for life at home.

 Click to Mix and Solve

Friday, May 01, 2020

I Have Notebooks

I don't keep a journal (a physical journal), anymore.  However, that used to be something I did; I would write, journal, and compose whatever I felt like sharing.  Only, usually, I didn't always share.

Sooner or later, I will come across something that I wanted to preserve, usually genealogical material or of historical origins.  Something that I wrote in a notebook.

Here is one such compilation: 
(Let's call this the little half-size green notebook)

You tell me (margaret.harris@gmail.com) how I can organize or classify these notes:

Okaloosa County, Florida, Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects; Works Progress Administration (Family History Center Film, #908135).  This is now available online and here is the link.  I also made a note: 1909, volume I, pp.71-78.  Article, Yonge, P.K. "The Lumber Industry of West Florida".