Sunday, November 29, 2020

 Here is my tweet, just in case it doesn't get published or gets redacted by Twitter: 

Now, isn't this something?!! No surprises, here.
Quote Tweet
Ted Cruz
And they’re all Democrats, all getting richer. Meanwhile, millions of small business owners, waiters & waitresses, bartenders, and working men & women have seen their livelihoods destroyed by mandated shutdowns from Dem politicians (whose own paychecks are never in jeopardy).…

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Broadway To Hollywood

 Broadway to Hollywood:  A presentation of the Fort Walton Beach, (Florida), Community Chorus.

On this date, the Director was Jean Hodgins, the Accompanist Joel Lane, etc.  At one point, these productions were occasions that I enjoyed attending; there were some special friends whose lives were wrapped up in the event, from start to finish.  They reached out to my husband, a well known singer at Church and to his family.  Ed Harris, my mate fit right in with the group; his beautiful tenor was appreciated, I'm sure!

This particular presentation was probably performed during the Concert Season of 1997-1998, according to the back of the program.  

In 1998, I also attended the little, but thriving, church service at the "Olive Branch" in northern Okaloosa County.  I believe that my son and his stepfather, Ed Harris were both speaking in the meeting.  I loved going to Olive!  They were in the habit of having "dinner on the grounds" after the church service, which was a big potluck event!  Over the years, since I was about age 10 or more, I had the opportunity to visit with the members in this location at various events.  Some names from those times were Carlos O. Jones, Jr., Sister Nita Sneddon, Sister Annie Youngblood, etc.

Memories!  I've been a few places, I've attended a few events.  As soon as saw a little program for Quinten Cole M.'s baptism, I had to wonder who he was.  Most probably he and his family moved on; I live in the vicinity of the largest Air Force Base in the world.  People come and go constantly; some of them return to retire, here!

 It is sort of an obligation, as well as an invitation to attend a baptismal event!  If the family's family lives a far distance from Fort Walton Beach Florida, it is nice to fill the chairs and in many cases, a church is a kind of a family.  In addition, you get a free review of other baptisms from your own past.  Children can be baptized at the age of 8, and as many of you know, children are pure, innocent, teachable.  It is customary to not only print a little program for the occasion, but sometimes a parent or grandparent might give the child their first set of scriptures or some other gift.  Favorite children's songs or hymns often serve as the program's welcome and benediction.  So, Quinten Cole M., where ever you are, I hope that since (October 11, 1998) baptism, that you are on the covenant path still, healthy and happy, as well!