The monthly meeting of the Genealogical Society of Okaloosa County is this coming Saturday, the 14th of August, at 10:00 AM, at the Heritage Museum at 115 Westview Drive, Valparaiso.
The speaker will be fellow GSOC member Hilma Jenus, whose topic is We Are So Connected, the people you connect with when doing genealogical research.Hilma will talk about how interesting it is to make connections that go far beyond "Name - Date of Birth - Marriage - and Death" (the so-called HATCH, MATCH, and DISPATCH approach). She will discuss ways to connect through everyday experiences as well as through research, while telling family stories to make her points clear; background is a goal of genealogy.
You might want to invite a friend or neighbor, for it will be a wonderful presentation.
After the meeting, all those interested will enjoy a Dutch Treat lunch at a local resturant.
Check out our website at for more details.
Jim Young does an excellent job for us. See you Saturday.
Pat Pruett, GSOC Publicity Chairperson 678-2023I used the above text to make a wordle. If you are interested, you may be able to access it at this link:
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