If for a bit, you would "hide" yourself from worldly worries, drama, and schedules of all kinds...you might find the peace you so desire. Steal a moment from "should have", "need to", "should do" trains of thought (and noisy trains at that!)
Seek a quiet place, a place where the television news is muted, children are napping, everyone else has gone to bed, or where, just for a little while, you can spare a few moments for some of these activities:
- Read a good book. Read the Bible. Read and fly away into a sky full of fluffy clouds where you can just "be".
- Study the scriptures, make notes, and think about what is written. Seek inspiration from church leaders, from poets.
- Write what you are thinking. Write verses, poems, or journal something.
- Be quiet. Go rest on a bench and observe your surroundings. Is that a bird with a freshly caught worm?!
- And finally (or not), sleep is the great healer. It doesn't matter if you nap or if you just lie still for a few moments. We all need a place of respite, sometimes. A closet, a bedroom, the garden, etc.
Here are some possibilities for contemplation:
- Seeking Peace: https://www.amazon.com/Seeking-Peace-Chronicles-Worst-Buddhist/dp/1594484406
- Read a Good Book: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1148891.Seeking_Peace
- Do some kind of hard physical labor?
- Shell some peas (I think this worked for my mother)!
- Listen to quiet non-intrusive music?
- And yes, tend a garden, but take a few moments to complement your efforts with quiet observance and stillness.
- https://theawesomedaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Famous-Paintings-28-1.jpg
- https://wallpaperset.com/w/full/f/d/f/51681.jpg (
- https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiIKOkcBBsfmyG16n0n-4uoXzOqrWEDbxn8D8EGB6H4wgQLKDSp8Kt-ymAEJGdjRED14Q2BwE_YXiGIws-ju_x2fyx8VMQtFnCaAuF0W96IQyfuqL4_Vp92-_5OY6VZnGZqe8erIQ/s1600/world-famous-paintings-2-2.jpg
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