Thursday, October 10, 2019

Other Folks Have Favorite Book of Mormon Scriptures...And Me?

I'm looking at other people's favorite scriptures and see how it relates to me or raises questions or gives me a kernel that I can enlarge upon.

  • My Top 25 Book of Mormon Scriptures : This is authored by "Matheson".  The "mother" site can be found here.
    • The first scripture on his list is 1 Nephi Chapter 8. We can nickname this verse, "White Fruit" or whatever will stick with you.  This is in reference to the dream/vision that Lehi had.  He was invited to take a journey, in his dream, by a man dressed in a white robe.  Finally, he arrives and partakes of the fruit of the tree.
      • What do you associate the color "white" with?  White is bright, like the sun.  White sheets are still among a favorite covering for a bed.  They are clean, freshly washed and perhaps hung on a clothesline and they smell clean.  In the scriptures, "white" is associated with purity.  Unblemished.  Without sin.  
      • In this vision, Lehi is comforted because it is revealed to him that the families of Nephi and Sam, his sons, (or many of their descendants) would be saved (TG Salvation). 
        • Thought: To be saved, you must choose and stay on the Covenant Path.  Hold to the rod that leads you to the "tree" and the precious fruit of the tree.  Make and keep covenants (promises) with God.  There are many sites that will enhance your study of "the Covenant Path".  Here is one such reference
Read and mark this experience of Lehi's in First Nephi, Chapter 8.  Memorize verse 11:  And it came to pass that I did go forth and partake of the afruit thereof; and I beheld that it was most sweet, above all that I ever before tasted. Yea, and I beheld that the fruit thereof was white, to exceed all the bwhiteness that I had ever seen. 

Do you want to partake of the fruit of the tree?  The tree and the fruit represent God's love for us.  What will you have to give up (sacrifice) in order to stay on the path to the "precious" fruit of the tree?  How long is the journey and what will be your guide?  Why or How does "the rod of iron" or the "Iron Rod" symbolize safety?  Read more about the properties of iron HERE

Could the Rod of Iron symbolize God's commandments, His Holy Word, the promptings of the Holy Ghost, Revelation?  What are all the little and big things that keep us on track to return to our Heavenly Father?  How much does He love us?  How much do we love Him?

My grandson, Caden.

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

A study of my Winters relatives in Arkansas in 1880

Cole Township Page 65; ED = 180
Enumerated 5th and 6th day of July1880
Sebastian County, Arkansas

Page is stamped “608”

Line 1: Dwelling 554, Family #554
Richard H. Winters Age 30 Farmer Born in Mississippi, Father Born in Tennessee, Mother Born in South Carolina
Mattie A. Age 28 Born in Alabama Father born in Georgia as was her mother
William M. Age 10 Born in Alabama
Ida Age 7 Born in Alabama
Alexander Age 6 Born in Alabama
Margarett A. Age 2 Born in Arkansas

Line 7: Dwelling 555, Family #555
Lewis Winters Age 35 Born Mississippi: Father in Tenn.; Mother in S. Carolina
Mary J. Winters Age 32 Born in Arkansas; father in South Carolina, Mother born in Alabama
Cintha E. Winters Age 11 Born Mississippi
Jessee F. Winters Age 10 Born Alabama
Mary L. E. Winters Age 7 Born in Alabama
Jullie (?) S. Winters (F) Age 4 Born Alabama
Albert C. Winters Age 2 Born Alabama
Martha J. Winters Age 3/12 Born in Feb. 1880 Born in Alabama
Both Richard and Lewis Winters are living in Cole Township in Sebastian County, Arkansas for the 1880 Census. Little Cintha Winters is named after her grandmother, I suspect. I think of the two boys (men), Richard has been there longer than Lewis, as he has a daughter who was born in Arkansas, who is age 2. Lewis has a daughter who is just 3 months old who was born in Alabama. Both of these brothers are farmers.