Another local headline, this one originating from AP's Religion writer, Rachel Zoll, "Closed on Christmas".
Christmas comes this year on a Sunday. Some large churches are cancelling Sunday worship services, but why? Partly because their pastors know that attendance will be low. Partly because they believe that Christmas is a family day. They rationalize this call by scheduling numerous services leading up to Christmas day, including Christmas Eve services.
There are others, however, that see this trend as alarming, as part of the whole mindset where individuals do their own thing. Roman Catholic parishes often see their largest crowds of the year on Christmas, however.
Speaking of family, how about our older Brother, Jesus Christ? It is His day, after all. Where would He have us be? And if partaking of the Sacrament were ever an opportunity for giving the gift of repentance, it must be especially significant I believe, to give that gift on Christmas. "To obey is better than sacrifice", (1 Samuel 15:22). But can't we do both? Sacrifice the world for the Word? Sacrifice tradition for covenant making?
"O God, Aaron hath told me that there is a God; and if there is a God, and if thou art God, wilt thou make thyself known unto me, and I will give away all my sins to know thee, and that I may be raised from the dead, and be saved at the last day." (Alma 22:18).
What wonderful blessings attend those who are willing to give away all their sins! Willingness is the key to appreciating those blessings. It means so much more if we give with the heart. And what day is more appropriate for doing that than the Sabbath upon which we celebrate the birth of Christ. Without Him, there would be no Christmas, no atonement, no salvation, no resurrection and no eternal life.
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