Salt Lake Tribune - Opinion Okay, in my humble opinion, this is an example of where religion and government combine to make history. In such instances, I believe that history should be preserved as it is, not as an image of what is politically correct in this day and age. If it were not for Mormons, there might not be a state of Utah. Well, that's what I think. The symbol of the beehive is not exclusively a symbol of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is a symbol of industriousness, of unity, and perhaps other things--none of which are offensive to the responsible citizen.
I want someone to explain to me the argument for separating church and state. I understand the premise that one might desire that the Utah quarter reflect the broader view of Utah as it is now, not as it once was (a refuge and school for the young church and its people). I do not understand when it is appropriate to ignore history and high moral values for the sake of this principle.
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