Sunday, June 21, 2015

Why the Confederate flag won't come down in South Carolina anytime soon - LA Times

Why the Confederate flag won't come down in South Carolina anytime soon - LA Times

This issue is being revived as a way to assuage the feelings of folks who are angry.  Yes?  No?  The issue being revived to remove the flag from the property has become a point of political correctness.  Yes?  No?

The fact is that the flag doesn't fly over the South Carolinian statehouse.  It flies over a Confederate Memorial.  Does the flag represent a real historical context with the Memorial?  Yes.  Should all Confederate Memorials everywhere be denuded of the Confederate Flags?

Now, no doubt there are some South Carolinian's who wish that history could be changed.  There are some of us who regret that the War Between the States was fought.  But we cannot change history, or if we do, the lessons of history will be lost and forgotten.  

Real families suffered.  Real people died.  Real blood was spilt.  Studying the history will disturb you.  As it should.  Hopefully, by studying the history, you will realize what a horrible thing war is.  Hopefully, you will discover that sometimes it is difficult to say who the good guys are.  War is a complex issue and happens when a set of circumstances and actions come into conflict and remember the phrase, "Follow the Money"--it really applies.  Money = Power in the small minds of those who are in positions of influence, sometimes.

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