Saturday, May 11, 2019

I feel a bit Norwegian

I'm pretty sure that my Dna results show some Norwegian ancestry.  I will have to recheck that, later, but I just watched the Acorn TV series, "Rebeka Martinsson"; even though I don't usually watch shows with subtitles.  I was drawn to the character, Rebeka.  I was drawn to the "Shetland" series also, so I don't know what it means that I like these lonely, obscure landscapes and peoples.

I am 18% Scandinavian. 47% British Isles.  And so forth.

The FTDna results say that 8000 years ago I might be related to folks in Motala, Sweden.  These are all ancient origins.  Or at least that is what I think it indicates.

I am 45% hunter-gatherer.  I think.   Kind of close to Oslo, I think.  

Of course there are also indications in Germanic places further south.  Lots of little brown arrows for the Linear Pottery folks, too.  As far South as Bilbao, Spain.  

I have a line in my family tree that came to me through my grandfather, Richard Ludlow Givens, whose mother was a Kolmetz.

I am 42% "Farmer".  Them:
migrating into the European continent from the Near East.  Like Syria!  Of course this was also thousands of years ago.  

The other category is "My Origins" which indicates that I am 99% European.  "Boring"...?

So I like the Vera series (English/British Isles) location.  I had a friend that went somewhere in Europe, (I forget where), but she just felt this immediate connection...overwhelmed almost that this is where her relatives came from.  Well, I am sitting in Florida, but watching these series...I sense a kinship with those places, (Scandinavia, British Isles)...It must be a strong connection because those places are an ocean away!



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