Tuesday, May 07, 2019

The power of writing and reading

I have, all my life, loved the power of the written word.  I like how the crafting process takes ideas, impressions, and feelings and turns them into a format that can touch other human beings.  It has to be a supreme moment when you realize that what you wrote evokes feelings.  It is the art that is what I've always admired in other writers and what I want to accomplish.  

That may be why I love twitter.  The limitation of words that can becomes a single tweet forces you to make choices about the words you use.  It forces creativity or at the very least, it makes your choice of words work for you, for the message you are seeking to share. 

Writing poetry is another "teacher".  If you have selected the right words and rhythm, you can create a different animal for every reader.  

Poetry that speaks to me:  Ahh, that is a topic for another post!


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